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Deradicalisation by Default - A crucial topic & an all star cast
(Wednesday, March 25, 2009)

Meeting type:Policy discussion
Date:Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Time:8.00pm - 10.00pm
Pita and PoliticsALL PLACES NOW TAKEN: A special event co-hosted by Islington Lib Dems and The Dialogue Society. Deradicalisation by Default’ and the 'Prevent' Strand of the UK Counter-Terrorism StrategyA crucial topic and an all-star cast featuring Ozcan Keles, Simon Hughes MP, Cllr Meral Ece OBE, Jonathan Fryer and Bridget Fox. For the first time ever Islington is co-hosting its P&P with an outside organisation.  We are excited to be linking up with The Dialogue Society,an Islington based organisation whose objective are 'to promote intercultural dialogue, greater understanding and community cohesion in the UK’. It was founded by second generation British Muslims of Turkish background.  Dialogue is held in high regard nationally and by all 3 major political parties. The prevent strand of the counter-terrorism strategy is clearly an important and complex issue. It is also directly relevant to our experience in running Islington Council. As the Home Office website states: ‘Countering the terrorist threat and ensuring good community relations are interdependent.’  Dialogue’s director Ozcan Keles will present their recently published ‘Deradicalisation by Default’ paper. Lib Dem speakers will talk about the local, national and European implications of the ‘prevent’ strategy.

There is a Lib Dem Friends of Turkey Facebook page for this event.  Food and non-alcoholic refreshments will be served.  The suggested donation is £10.00 or £5.00 for unwaged people/students.   I do hope you will be able to come. We are expecting a lot of interest in this event so please contact Julie Horten if you would like to reserve a place.


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    Meeting address:Dialogue Society, 402 Holloway Road, N7 6PZ

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