Liberal Democrats: Flock Together

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Meeting details

Dick Newby speaking at Huntingdon LibDems 24 April
(Monday, April 24, 2023)

Meeting type:Social event
Date:Monday, April 24, 2023
Time:8.00pm - 10.00pm

We're running a "Pizza and Politics" event with Dick Newby, leader of the LibDems in the Lords on 24 April, click here for details and booking

Phone banks

If you are a user of the Liberal Democrats' Connect Virtual Phone Bank, please use the link below to make a few calls:


No attendees or lifts are registered yet.

Getting there:

Contact details

Meeting address:The Lady Olivia Centre, 85 Central Avenue, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4QL


Note: the location pins show the rough location of the Social event, not the exact location.

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